We, Students

We, Students!


Rafiki Fariala

Nestor, Aaron, Benjamin and Rafiki are economics undergraduates at the University of Bangui. Navigating between the overcrowded classrooms, the petty trades that allow students to survive, bribery lurking everywhere, Rafiki shows us what students lives are like in the Central African Republic, a shattered society where the youth keeps dreaming for a brighter future for their country.

Festivals & Awards

Berlinale 2022 – Panorama Selection

MajorDocs 2022 – Best Film

DMZ International Documentary FF 2022 – International Competition Award

Fidadoc 2022 – Special Jury Award

Festival de Cine Africano 2022 – Best Actors Award

Indie Lisboa 2022 – Silvestre Award for Best Feature Film

FESCAAAL 2022 – Special Mention Jury

Cinéma du Réel 2022 – Prix des Bibliothèques

Masharkali Film Festival 2022 – Best Documentary Film

Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage 2022 – Tanit d’Argent

Hainan Island International Film Festival 2022 – Best Documentary

FICUNAM 2023 – Best Film

Joburg International Film Festival 2023 – Best Documentary

Festival en Ville ! 2023 – Jury prize

Fespaco 2023 – Etalon d’Argent

International Film Festival of Uruguay 2023 – Best Human Rights Film


Original title: Nous, Étudiants !

Production: Makongo Films - Unité - Kiripi Films

Nationality: Central African Republic - France - Democratic Republic of Congo - Saudi Arabia

Year of production: 2022

Running time: 82'

Language: Sango, French


Press kit





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