Cover image - Mama Illegal

Mama Illegal


Ed Moschitz

They gave the smugglers all their money and risk their life on their journey across borders: three women from a small town in Moldavia, living now in Austria as cleaning women. On top of their hard job they live a life in illegality without documents, far away from their children and family for years. A film about the price of the dream of a better life.

Festivals & Awards

IDFA International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2011 – Competition

Sarajevo Film Festival 2012 – Official Selection

Mujerdoc 2012 – Award for full-lenght film

ZagrebDox 2013 – Special Mention

Original title: Mama Illegal

Production: Golden Girls

Nationality: Austria

Year of production: 2011

Running time: 52' & 95'

Language: Romanian, German, Italian, Russian





Mama Illegal - Poster

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