Bandeau Comédie Française Wiseman

La Comédie-Française


Frederick Wiseman

La Comédie Française is the oldest continuous repertory company in the world, founded in Paris in the late 17th century. This is the first time a documentary film-maker has been allowed to look at all the aspects of the work of this great theatrical company. Sequences in the film include sections of plays, casting, set and costume design, administrative meetings and rehearsals and performances of four classic French plays, Don Juan by Molière, La Thebalide by Racine, La Double inconstance by Marivaux and Occupte-toi d’Amélie by Feydeau.


This film is about a culture that takes serious culture very seriously… Ever the master documentary maker, Wiseman, brings home his points without saying a word.

L.A. Times



Original title: La Comédie-Française

Production: Medici Arts

Nationality: France

Year of production: 1996

Running time: 223'

Language: French

Ratio: 4:3




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