bandeau - Children of chance

Children of Chance


Thierry Michel, Pascal Colson

In the small local school of Cheratte, a former mining town, 11-year old students with an immigrant background are coming to the end of their primary school education with Brigitte, a dynamic teacher. Her pedagogical approach aims to integrate these pupils into a constantly changing world. Throughout the school year, the film follows these grandsons of miners, mainly Turks and Muslims. While some of their elders opt for identity closure, this film evokes the challenge awaiting these children to integrate into current society, in the face of terrorist attacks.

Festivals & Awards

Festival du Film Arabe de Fameck – Hors compétition -2019

Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels (FIPA) – Prix du jury des jeunes européens – 2018

IDFA – International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) – 2017

FIFF – Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur – Sélections Focus Cinéma belge francophone – 2017

Original title: Les enfants du hasard

Production: Les Films de la Passerelle

Nationality: Belgium

Year of production: 2017

Running time: 108' & 58'

Language: French


Press kit



Affiche - Les enfants du hasard

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