Bonjour Tristesse, Sagan by Sagan


Priscilla Pizzato

Narrated by Catherine Deneuve

Written by an unknown 18-year-old girl, Bonjour Tristesse was described as a masterpiece of cynicism and cruelty when it hit the headlines in 1954. Who is its author Françoise Sagan, who is said to have real but immoral talent? How did she capture so precisely the youth of her time, telling the aspirations of the post-war generation, anticipating sexual liberation, end of traditional family model, feminism, etc. that exploded during the ‘May 68’ protests? Through archives, interviews with Sagan and readings by Catherine Deneuve, let’s look back at this cornerstone of literature history that continues to resonate with today’s society.

Original title: BONJOUR SAGAN

Production: Ex Nihilo

Nationality: France

Year of production: 2023

Running time: 52'


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